May 25, 2007
Sometimes there are wonders...
The people's life usually is not a shining highway to the perfect world.We have several problems in our living conditions and we frequently feel that here is our end of way...And then - marvel of marvels! - unexpectedly comes the help. What a divine feeling to know our Guardangel's presence!I think so those are the everyday marvels...
The people's life usually is not a shining highway to the perfect world.We have several problems in our living conditions and we frequently feel that here is our end of way...And then - marvel of marvels! - unexpectedly comes the help. What a divine feeling to know our Guardangel's presence!I think so those are the everyday marvels...
Az emberek élete többnyire nem problémáktól mentesen csordogál, néha elöfordul, hogy komoly, sokszor kilátástalan helyzetbe kerülünk, nem is látunk kiutat belöle, és akkor teljesen váratlanul megérkezik a segitség, megoldódnak a gondok...