Recently I saw a film on a scientific tv channel about a curious town in the Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado, United States.That wonderful town - village? - is as beautiful as a fabulous one. The houses, palaces are in the wall of Colorado Canyon. Those have strong stonewalls. It is a mystery that who built the town.Some of the scientists are of the opinion that the Maya people lived here. I think so it is unlikely that they built those fantastic palaces. Here are too much circular buildings. It is not peculiarity of the architecture of Mexican Maya people.It is a pity that the strange Mesa Verde is very far from Europe, Hungary, it would be good to see the marvellous village walking on its "streets".

Nemrég láttunk egy tévéfilmet az amerikai Mesa Verde csodálatos épitményeiröl. Valóban lenyügözö látvány volt a mesebeli falucska különleges épitményeivel, melyhez hasonló nem sok lehet a világon. Egyedi épitészeti jellemzöket találunk, ezért nem tartjuk valószinünek azt a feltevést, hogy a többezer kilométerre élö maya nép épitette volna ezt a zsufolt kisvárost.
# posted by Gyula @ 10:50