October 18, 2006
I think this is the time to enjoy the beauty of the Hungarian arts.
Now I would like to show to you a wonderful painting of a famous Hungarian artist from the 19th century. The title of this artwork is LADY IN VIOLET The Hungarian name of the painter artist is SZINYEI MERSE PÁL On this painting we can see the harmony between the nature and the woman's beauty.
Szinyei Merse Pál, a 19.században élt festömüvész egyik legszebb alkotása a Lilaruhás nö, amely nagyon szépen tükrözi a természet és a nöi szépség közti csodálatos harmóniát. Véleményünk szerint a festmény egymagában megtestesiti a szépség fogalmát.Now I would like to show to you a wonderful painting of a famous Hungarian artist from the 19th century. The title of this artwork is LADY IN VIOLET The Hungarian name of the painter artist is SZINYEI MERSE PÁL On this painting we can see the harmony between the nature and the woman's beauty.