October 19, 2006

The childhood is the most wonderful time period of the people's life.
In those times the most important thing is for our children to obtain the knowledge for the everyday life.
We have to help them to get their aims. Sometimes we can meet true gifted little girls and boys. We can admire a poem or a drawing what they have composed, created frequently just for fun.One of these compositions is this illustration on the right side. The drawing is made by a little schoolgirl
In those times the most important thing is for our children to obtain the knowledge for the everyday life.
We have to help them to get their aims. Sometimes we can meet true gifted little girls and boys. We can admire a poem or a drawing what they have composed, created frequently just for fun.One of these compositions is this illustration on the right side. The drawing is made by a little schoolgirl
She very likes to draw but doesn't like to learn at the school. She is just a talented child in Hungary of the 21th century....

October 18, 2006

I think this is the time to enjoy the beauty of the Hungarian arts.
Now I would like to show to you a wonderful painting of a famous Hungarian artist from the 19th century. The title of this artwork is LADY IN VIOLET The Hungarian name of the painter artist is SZINYEI MERSE PÁL On this painting we can see the harmony between the nature and the woman's beauty.
Now I would like to show to you a wonderful painting of a famous Hungarian artist from the 19th century. The title of this artwork is LADY IN VIOLET The Hungarian name of the painter artist is SZINYEI MERSE PÁL On this painting we can see the harmony between the nature and the woman's beauty.

October 04, 2006
are very hot days inH U N G A R Y !The daily highest temperature is almost 30 Celsius degrees.
We have a wonderful autumn - fall.The wind of change is blowing.On the photo isEDITH
in the autumn wood.

I think so you can see what a marvellous fall is in our country in these days.