August 29, 2006
Welcome to our world of fantasy!
We think so the reality and the fantasy are brothers.
On the spectacle of the night sky is just an illusory reality for the people.The time and the space together are in permanent connection, they are seemingly constants but always changing. On the picture is a wonderful twin-spiralgalaxy in the neverending space.
Nagyon szeretjük az éjszakai égbolt semmihez sem hasonlítható látványát, a végtelen ür és a végtelen idö kapcsolatát, melyet hüen mutat be ez a fotó, amely egy iker-spirálgalaxisról készült.We very like the astronomy and the science fiction stories.
We think so the reality and the fantasy are brothers.
On the spectacle of the night sky is just an illusory reality for the people.The time and the space together are in permanent connection, they are seemingly constants but always changing. On the picture is a wonderful twin-spiralgalaxy in the neverending space.
August 23, 2006
In every year the one of main spectacles of the summer National Holy Day of our country on 20th of August is the Flower Festival in Debrecen town.There the local people show several wonderful compositions from colourful flowers.On the picture is the Holy Crown of Hungary. I mean it is one of the most beautiful works on the festival.
A Szent István napi ünnepségek egyik fő látványossága a Debrecenben évenként ezen a napon megrendezett Virágkarnevál. Több millió élő virág felhasználásával készitik a szebbnél szebb kompoziciókat. A képen a Szent Korona látható teljes pompájában.
August 12, 2006
After a week on 20th of August will be the one of the greatest Hungarian National Holyday the St. Stephen's Day.
The Holy Crown of Hungary, also known as the Crown of St. Stephen, was used to crown Hungarian kings from the 13th century onward.
The Crown was bound to the Lands of the Crown of St. Stephen.
No king of Hungary was regarded as having been truly legitimate without being crowned with it.
The Holy Crown of Hungary, also known as the Crown of St. Stephen, was used to crown Hungarian kings from the 13th century onward.
The Crown was bound to the Lands of the Crown of St. Stephen.
No king of Hungary was regarded as having been truly legitimate without being crowned with it.
The crowning of Istvan, the first Christian king of Hungary who was later canonized St. Stephen, marks the beginning of Hungarian statehood.
The date is variously given as Christmas 1000 or 1st of January 1001. However, the currently venerated crown is not identical to the original one sent to St. Stephen of Hungary by Pope Sylvester II in the year 1000.In year 1038 King Stephen died without a direct heir after the tragic early death of his only son, St. Prince Imre.
On his deathbed the king offered his country into the graces of Blessed Virgin Maria declaring her Patrona Hungariae.
I think this is a very nice holyday for the Hungarian people all over the world....
The date is variously given as Christmas 1000 or 1st of January 1001. However, the currently venerated crown is not identical to the original one sent to St. Stephen of Hungary by Pope Sylvester II in the year 1000.In year 1038 King Stephen died without a direct heir after the tragic early death of his only son, St. Prince Imre.
On his deathbed the king offered his country into the graces of Blessed Virgin Maria declaring her Patrona Hungariae.
I think this is a very nice holyday for the Hungarian people all over the world....
Egy hét mulva, augusztus 20-án lesz a magyarság egyik legszebb nemzeti ünnepe, államalapitó Szent István királyunk napja. Ennek a napnak méltó jelképe a magyar Szent Korona, ami nemcsak szimbólum, hanem eszmei tartalommal is rendelkezik a magyar nép számára. A keresztény Magyarország méltó jelképe, mely mai cimerünkben is látható.
August 08, 2006
One of my favourite Hungarian painter artist is TIVADAR CSONTVARY KOSZTKAHi lived in the end of 19th and beginning of 20th century.
He has painted several special masterpieces, his artworks are very strange ones in the general art.The most favourite painting from his masterpieces for me isTHE LONELY CEDAR
We can find out his stylized self-portrait on the artwork, I have marked it with the circle in the next picture.
I hope that you will like this wonderful painting and the art of Hungarian people.
He has painted several special masterpieces, his artworks are very strange ones in the general art.The most favourite painting from his masterpieces for me isTHE LONELY CEDAR
We can find out his stylized self-portrait on the artwork, I have marked it with the circle in the next picture.
I hope that you will like this wonderful painting and the art of Hungarian people.
Csontváry Kosztka Tivadar nagyon különleges helyet foglal el a magyar képzömüvészetben, saját korában méltatlan körülmények között élt és alkotott. Egyik legszebb müve a Magányos Cédrus, hüen fejezi ki a müvész sajátos látásmódját, amely a mai szemlélöt is rabul ejti. A körrel jelzett részben fel lehet fedezni egy stilizált arcprofilt, ami nagyon emlékeztet a müvész egyik önarcképére. Akár az is lehet....
August 03, 2006
There is an old rock group, theY E S They have a classic song, the HEART OF THE SUNRISE That song gave inspiration for me a few years ago to paint this oil on canvas painting. This artwork is the part of own home-collection, it is the one of my most favourite paintings. I hope you will enjoy my loved artwork.
Legkedvesebb festményünk a házi kollekciónkból a Yes együttes Napfelkelte Szive cimü dala által ihletett, azonos nevet viselö olaj-vászon alkotás, melyet néhány évvel ezelött festettem. Ha rátekintünk, önkéntelenül érezzük az ujjáéledö természet felszabadultságát, örömét, az élet szépségét.