July 06, 2006
We live in the north part of Hungary in a small town.I thought that I show a few pictures of our loved town.Our mini city is situated in a long valley surrounded very nice hills.It has several nice modern buildings mostly from the second half of 20th century.It is an old industrial town with a lot of factories.
There is, among other things, a world-famous glass-works, where are made the beautiful, colourful Roamer crystal-chalices.In the town can be found an original mining museum under the ground.These photos show some of parts of the centre of town.In the surroundings of the city are several wonderful excursion places and marvellous castles from the ancient time periods.Those places can be visited in all of seasons.We like to sit down in the shady parks, to talk different people or just to relax a little....
Our small city is a modern but very old one.
We very like to live in it.
There is, among other things, a world-famous glass-works, where are made the beautiful, colourful Roamer crystal-chalices.In the town can be found an original mining museum under the ground.These photos show some of parts of the centre of town.In the surroundings of the city are several wonderful excursion places and marvellous castles from the ancient time periods.Those places can be visited in all of seasons.We like to sit down in the shady parks, to talk different people or just to relax a little....
Our small city is a modern but very old one.
We very like to live in it.
Mi egy észak-magyarországi, hazai méretek szerint közepes nagyságu városban élünk. A mult század hatvanas éveitöl fogva folyamatosan átalakult a város, eltüntek a belváros földszintes házai, helyet adva a 8-10 emeletes modern épületeknek. Mivel egy hosszu völgyben terül el a város, szép hegyek ölelésében, különös hangulatot ad az ideérkezö látogatóknak. A város vonzáskörzetében nagyon szép várromok találhatók, melyekröl a késöbbiekben szeretnénk képes ismertetöt késziteni.