June 04, 2006
TRIANON, 4. JUN. 1920.
There's a strange historical place in Hungary near our town.
Before the 1th world war was a small mountain village in the north part of country, named Somosko.After the lost war the Great Powers partitioned our county, Hungary. The frontier-line was marked out so that it divided into two parts this small village. The houses - it can be seen on the picture - remained in Hungary the castle of the village become a part of Czechoslovakia. That is a very strange status for the people of village (and of course for the Hungarian ones) because if they want to go to the castle they need to show the passport.
This history was made by the foreign powers but not for the Hungarian people.
And it is a very sad story....
Before the 1th world war was a small mountain village in the north part of country, named Somosko.After the lost war the Great Powers partitioned our county, Hungary. The frontier-line was marked out so that it divided into two parts this small village. The houses - it can be seen on the picture - remained in Hungary the castle of the village become a part of Czechoslovakia. That is a very strange status for the people of village (and of course for the Hungarian ones) because if they want to go to the castle they need to show the passport.
This history was made by the foreign powers but not for the Hungarian people.
And it is a very sad story....
Az I. világháborut lezáró trianoni békediktátum egyik szomoru esete volt a sok közül, melyet egy kis nógrádi faluval, Somoskövel müveltek.
A kis hegyifaluhoz gyönyörü vár, illetve várrom, világritkaságnak számitó vulkanikus képzödmény, bazaltömlés tartozott.
A nagyhatalmak ugy huzták meg a határvonalat Trianonban, hogy ketté választották a falut, a házak - a képen nagyon jól látható - Magyarországon maradtak, a mellette lévö várat pedig Csehszlovákiához csatolták.
Magyarországról a vár jelenleg is csak érvényes utiokmányokkal látogatható, ami rendkivül szomoru dolog.