June 20, 2006
In Europe was a time period in the early Middle Ages when the peoples of almost the all of country built gigantic cathedrals in several more important city.
The Nabataeans - they are well-known for us from the Bible - made wonderful buildings in the today's area of Jordan about 2-3 thousand years ago.
In Jordan Petra is a beautiful rock temple from the
ancient times.
Petra lies on the edges of the mountainous desert of the Wadi Araba.
The city is surrounded by towering hills of rust coloured sandstone wich gave the city some natural protection against invaders.
The site is semi-arid, the friable sandstone wich allowed the Nabataeans to carve their temples and tombs into the rock crumbling easily to sand.
I think so that temple of hewn stones is the one of the most marvellous composition in the world.
I have not seen it yet so far, but we would like to see in the next year.
The Nabataeans - they are well-known for us from the Bible - made wonderful buildings in the today's area of Jordan about 2-3 thousand years ago.
In Jordan Petra is a beautiful rock temple from the

Petra lies on the edges of the mountainous desert of the Wadi Araba.
The city is surrounded by towering hills of rust coloured sandstone wich gave the city some natural protection against invaders.
The site is semi-arid, the friable sandstone wich allowed the Nabataeans to carve their temples and tombs into the rock crumbling easily to sand.

I think so that temple of hewn stones is the one of the most marvellous composition in the world.
I have not seen it yet so far, but we would like to see in the next year.

Ezekhez fogható, monumentális szakrális célu épitmény a kitünö épségben fennmaradt, többezer éves sziklatemplom, melyet a jordániai Petra városa mellett, magas hegyek oltalmában, homokköböl faragtak ki az ókori épitömesterek.
Fantasztikusan gyönyörü látvány, a maga nemében méltán számit az emberiség egyik legszebb, szinte müvészi alkotásának.