June 25, 2006
In Hungary now is a wonderful summer Sunday with very hot sunshine weather. Sitting in the armchair reading the newspaper - I am angry because of the bad political and economical condition of our country - I have thought to put up an easy wordgame to my blog just as a relaxation...
I hope you will like it...Here is a nice illusion from my favourite album.
Is it just a word or just a face?
I hope you will like it...Here is a nice illusion from my favourite album.
Is it just a word or just a face?
Ez egy érdekes játék a szó-formátummal, amely megmutatja, hogy milyen találékony az emberi alkotókészség, akár a legapróbb dolgokban is. Ezeket a postákat kikapcsolódásképpen, pihentetetésül gondoltuk föltenni.