June 11, 2006
In 1976 the Viking orbite made this photo of the Mars.
On it can be seen very well a hill that looks like than a human face.
The official point of view is that this hill has been eroded by the wind.
Some of people think so it was created by aliens as a sign for the later civilisations.
On it can be seen very well a hill that looks like than a human face.
The official point of view is that this hill has been eroded by the wind.
Some of people think so it was created by aliens as a sign for the later civilisations.
What is the truth?
I think so that is a strange creature of the nature (or alians?). Look at this photo well and don't forget: we never can be alone in the Universe!

A tájból magányosan kiemelkedö, szinte emberi arcot formázó alakzat feladta a leckét a tudósoknak, a mai napig folyik a vita róla, hogy a szél eróziója csiszolta az évmilliók alatt ilyen formájura, vagy, netán idegen civilizáció hagyta az utókorra, mintegy jelként a sokszáz kilométeres magasságból is jól azonositható objektumot.