May 19, 2006
The spring is the most beautiful of the seasons.
May is a real nice spring month in our country.
Love, sunlight, flowers, birdsong
in the soft warm spring wind....
I would like to show a painting
Its title is 'Majalis'.
May is a real nice spring month in our country.
Love, sunlight, flowers, birdsong
in the soft warm spring wind....
I would like to show a painting
wich was painted in the 19th century
by a great Hungarian artist
SZINYEI MERSE PÁL (fonetic: paul sin-yei mersheh).On the painting is a May afternoon of a friend company.
Its title is 'Majalis'.

Ezt a hangulatot talán a legjobban a 19. században élt nagy festö, Szinyei Merse Pál Majális cimü müve fejezi ki. A képen egy szabadban piknikezö, önfeledt baráti társaság látható, élettel teli, vidám hangulatban.