April 18, 2006
Capital of Hungary is a very nice old city: Budapest.
The city is divided into two parts by the Danube river.
Because the high waterlevel flood threatens the city. Our son has made several photos in different places of the city. The House of Parlament
The city is divided into two parts by the Danube river.
This river is usually a quiet one, called in the old songs
BLUE DANUBE. However in these days the Danube becomes dangerous.Because the high waterlevel flood threatens the city. Our son has made several photos in different places of the city. The House of Parlament
The Margit-bridge
Quay under the water
The river looks like than a lake
On the photos can be seen very well the high waterlevel of the danger for the two millions people in Budapest.
Nehéz napokat él át Magyarország fövárosa, Budapest, mivel a várost átszelö folyó, a Duna veszélyes méretüvé duzzadt, elöntéssel, árvizzel fenyegeti a várost. A "keringö-irodalomban" csak "Kék-Duna"-ként ismert méltóságteljes folyó most, ahogy a képek is mutatják, csaknem szinültig kitölti medrét, viz alatt vannak a csodálatos pesti duna-parti lépcsök, budai rakpartok. A folyó most tetözött, reméljük ez a hatalmas viztömeg lassanként, baj nélkül el tud vonulni.