March 28, 2006
Today is the first real spring day of this year.
We were walking on the streets, enjoyed the sunshine in the
park.I have made a few photos about Edith with my SE camera phone and 'Quick Share' them to my blog.This is one of the pictures.The spring is beautiful after the long winter.
We were walking on the streets, enjoyed the sunshine in the
park.I have made a few photos about Edith with my SE camera phone and 'Quick Share' them to my blog.This is one of the pictures.The spring is beautiful after the long winter.
Mai nap volt az elsö igazi tavaszi nap ebben az évben, öröm volt sétálgatni az utcákon, leülni egy kicsit a parkban, süttetni az arcunkat a langyos, tavaszi napfényben. A képen Edith látható, tavaszi kivitelben és hangulatban.